Solder Paste Data Preparation

Customer Supplied Solder Paste Data

For PCB Production

We do NOT modify Solder Paste data provided by the customer for bare Board PCB production.

However, this data is included in the SI (Single Image) data set for the PCB production which can be downloaded from the customers Eurocircuits account (file extensions -23/-33) as unmodified Solder Paste data.

If we are asked to create a customer panel then the Solder Paste data will be available to match this customer panel.

For Assembly by Eurocircuits

We will modify the Solder Paste data as necessary to suite our assembly process (only for the components that are to be mounted).

Eurocircuits online customer accounts are fully transparent showing both the business and production process.

Therefore, the internal orders for the Solder Paste stencils (Exxxxxxx-STA and/or Exxxxxxx-SBA) to be used in the assembly process will also be visible.

These orders cannot be modified and the data is not available for download.

No Solder Paste Data Provided

If no Solder Paste data is supplied by the customer, we generate this data based on a combination of the copper layers, the Soldermask layers and the drill data.

All FLASHED copper pads, COMPLETELY free of soldermask and not containing any drilled holes (via holes filled with resin are NOT taken into account as drilled holes) are selected as basis for the Solder Paste data and are then copied to the corresponding Solder Paste layer (Top Side or Bottom Side).

For PCB Production

The generated paste data is included in the SI (Single Image) data set for the PCB production which can be downloaded from the customers Eurocircuits account (file extensions -23/-33) as generated Solder Paste data.

If we are asked to create a customer panel then the Solder Paste data will be available to match this customer panel.

For Assembly by Eurocircuits

We modify the created Solder Paste data as necessary to suite our assembly process (only for the components that are to be mounted).

Eurocircuits online customer accounts are fully transparent showing both the business and production process.

Therefore, the internal orders for the Solder Paste stencils (Exxxxxxx-STA and/or Exxxxxxx-SBA) to be used in the assembly process will also be visible.

These orders cannot be modified and the data is not available for download.

  • No Solder Paste data will be created for pads that are not defined as a flash in the data set.
  • No Solder Paste data will be generated for any flashed SMD pad which has a hole in it except, resin filled holes.
  • Soldermask defined flashed SMD pads (are by definition not free of soldermask) are not included in the generated Solder Paste data.
  • Flashed SMD pads which the customer wants to be free of Solder Paste will be included in the Solder Paste data based on the above rules.
  • By default, we cover all Flashed pads with Solder Paste to prevent oxidation after the reflow soldering process.

If a customer requires the Solder Paste data to be created in a way that deviates from the above rules, then it is advisable that the customer supplies the data.

Alternatively, the customer can create the Solder Paste data using the Eurocircuits Solder Paste Editor in the PCB Visualize.

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