Pick & Place Setup
The Pick & Place Setup is the information and programming of the machines that will place the components on the PCB with the correct position and orientation.
Watch the Video – Pick & Place Setup
Script – Pick & Place Setup
Starting from a prepared data set, ready PCB’s, stencils and components mounted in feeders, we will now create proper instructions for the Pick & Place machines.
The control centre of our Pick & Place machines, called MyCenter has an own database of components with machine-specific instructions for each component to be placed.
Starting from a BOM file, already prepared for our PCBA Visualizer tools we start this process.
All parts mounted earlier are available in the machine database and are recognised by their MPN number. For new entries, we copy most of the data from the PCBA Visualizer database, and enhance this with instructions for the machine.
Extra information we add is the polarity according to the machine rotation conventions, dimensions of the part and electrical values.
Our machine is capable to measure electrical values for resistors, capacitors and diodes, and based on the measured values compared with set values the machine will accept or reject components to be placed.
Not each and every component is measured, for each new reel, the first 3 parts are measured, and when measurements are within tolerances, the complete reel is accepted. When we change reels, again the first 3 components are measured.
The speed of the mounting head depends on the component’s dimensions, weight and material.
The information we need to correctly configure the machine comes from the datasheet of the component, but also experience plays a major role here.
Finally we define the board position on the machine. The rule is that the board’s longest side rests on the conveyor, to minimise the bending of the board. Also fiducials have to be defined in the program to align with the physical fiducials on the board.
All materials and programs for the pick & place process are ready now. But before the real mounting starts, we have to print solder paste on the boards