Cellsius Project H2: Pioneering Hydrogen-Powered Aviation

We at Cellsius aim to drive aviation towards a more sustainable future and our partnership with Eurocircuts helps us take our latest project “Cellsius Project H2” to the skies.

The project H2 revolves around a completely carbon neutral hydrogen hybrid powertrain designed for the small South African Sling Highwing. As hydrogen systems in planes are not very common with no commercial break through yet, sourcing components is extremely difficult. Hence, why we chose to develop many components ourselves and manufacture our PCBs with our partner Eurocircuits.
In a plane everything has to be engineered to be as light as possible, without sacrificing performance and safety, including the electrical system. To reduce any unnecessary weight and space we aimed to combine as much functionality in as little space as possible. Eurocircuits’ manufacturing capabilities allowed us to realize even the finest of details on our PCBs and downsize our Prototypes to small compact boards. This way, all our ideas and concepts were not held back and could be brought into reality

While building the aircraft proves to take longer than expected, we were able to demonstrate successfully the capabilities of our powertrain to our sponsors with a show of 35 kW of power, completely carbon neutral, powered by hydrogen with a byproduct of only water. Whilst this would not suffice to take off with our plane, we are well on our way to ramp up the power and integrate the whole powertrain into the frame of the aircraft.
The final system is expected to have a flight time of around 1 hour 45 minutes and have an effective range of up to 300km. Its maiden flight is planned for the summer of 2025 from the air field in Dübendorf, Switzerland.

For more information please visit the CELLSIUS Project website.