We don’t want to say goodbye!


For many years Eurocircuits have provided you with important News & Information about our services, products, free to use smart tools and the Electronic Manufacturing World.

We will continue to do so and would like to include you in this. If you agree – Login to your account and click “ALL”.

news and informations preferences

Your consent is necessary for us to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which will come in to effective from 25th May 2018. If you would like to know how Eurocircuits manages this topic, we have made an information page to explain in detail our policy.

If you would like to customize the subjects on which you would (or would not) like to receive News & Information about. Please go to your Eurocircuits customer profile and change your News & Information preferences.

Kind regards,

The Eurocircuits team