
Online Smart Tools – Services & Products

Embedded World HDI Pool - Featured-Image
HDI pool – A Smarter Entry into Microvias and HDI PCBs at Optimized Costs

Complex designs with space-saving microvias do not have to be unacceptably expensive or complicated. Our new HDI pool service offers a smart and cost-effective solution for partial HDI PCBs – ideal for IoT and Industrial IoT devices. With staggered microvias (100 µm diameter) on two layers, our HDI pool allows you to route most of […]

Developing our HDI pool manufacturing process

We have recently introduced the HDI pool, enabling our customers to design and have us manufacture and assemble PCBs with BGAs down to 0.4mm pitch. Developing this service required testing to make sure our manufacturing process is robust for all types of designs that we may receive. Here we will discuss some of these tests, […]

Design Rules and Smart DFM

Bring your product to market on time and within budget – join the Eurocircuits Community Design rules to protect against costly errors in manufacturing Often, simple mistakes or lack of knowledge of the PCB manufacturing or PCB assembly process can lead to significant delays and additional costs. We explain some of the design rules and […]

Right First Time with Virtual Manufacturing

Blog post byClaudia Mallok/25 October 2023 Bring your product to market on time and within budget – join the Eurocircuits Community This is how Eurocircuits achieves PCB Manufacturing and Assembly 100% in-House in Europe Eurocircuits provides a single source for bare board and assembled PCB prototypes and small series. Their free to use online tools […]

Dealing with High Frequencies - Featured Image
Dealing with High Frequencies

byDirk Stans/8 December 2022/20 June 2023 Bring your product to market on time and within budget – join the Eurocircuits Community Electronics designers who define circuits where frequencies of several Gigahertz form the basis of their application are in a select group of specialists. These designers need PCBs built with special materials suitable for these […]

Manufacturing IOT Devices

byDirk Stans/30 November 2022/6 June 2023 Bring your product to market on time and within budget – join the Eurocircuits Community So many of the devices we use daily are connected via the internet (IoT) making our daily activities easier and with this comes the need for faster and faster connections (USB3, 5G, etc..). It […]

Tools to Help Designers – The Buildup Editor

Bring your product to market on time and within budget – join the Eurocircuits Community Layer sequence is one of the most important parameters in PCB design. Signal, power and reference layers must be in the correct sequence to achieve the optimum of electrical properties and manufacturing costs. Copper thicknesses as well as the characteristics […]

Global Semiconductor Shortage

Bring your product to market on time and within budget – join the Eurocircuits Community The shortage of materials has worsened further; there is no relaxation in sight. That’s why the everyday heroes are our purchasing staff. For weeks, our team has been giving its all to bring in the electronic components so that we […]

Submitting a PCB: The Cool Off Period and other Techniques

Blog post bySaar Drimer/17 June 2021 Bring your product to market on time and within budget – join the Eurocircuits Community Pressing the button to submit a board for manufacture is a major event in the life of a PCB designer; it’s the culmination of days or months or years of work. After submitting the […]

Impedance Calculations

Bring your product to market on time and within budget – join the Eurocircuits Community Because our heart beats for the European electronics industry, we are involved in Working Groups, the Promotion of Young Talents and are actively involved in Electronics Community Events. It is very important for us that we share our knowledge and […]

Eurocircuits Responds to the World-wide Electronic Components Shortage

Bring your product to market on time and within budget – join the Eurocircuits Community In late 2017 we launched our inhouse service for PCB Prototypes and small series since then it has grown substantially each year and has become a major part of our business. In late 2017 we launched our inhouse assembly service […]

What is Virtual Manufacturing or Digital Twin

Bring your product to market on time and within budget – join the Eurocircuits Community Virtual manufacturing or Digital Twin means that we simulate the production of a printed circuit board based on the design data supplied. Using this process, we create an image of what the PCB will look like after it has been […]

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To simplify communication Eurocircuits uses abbreviations for many of these technical terms. Most of the technical terms and abbreviations are international standards in the Printed Circuit Board manufacturing industry. However to make it clear to everyone involved, we here present a list of technical terms and abbreviations along with their explanation.
View our glossary

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