Looking Back at 2020
As we all know 2020 came with many challenges mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, here at Eurocircuits we count ourselves quite lucky that we were and are still able to continue full production during this difficult time. We would like to thank all our customers for their continued support and confidence in 2020.
2020 in Figures
* an order can consist of a PCB, a PCB + a stencil or a PCB + assembly or… All items that are ordered together with a PCB are considered as one order.
** a customer is a legal identity buying from us one or multiple items or services per calendar year.
*** Based on 250 working days per calendar year.
Prototypes & Small Series
Our average order size is for 17 pieces with an average surface area of 17dm2 and 88% of all our orders have a lead time of ≤5 working days. This fits with our profile as a quick turnaround manufacturer and assembler of prototype & small series PCBs.
Despite the small average order value, Eurocircuits is a professional international manufacturing group with 450 employees, 2 modern manufacturing facilities and a yearly turnover well in excess of 30M€.
2020 Investments
Every year Eurocircuits invests in people, equipment, software and infrastructure to enhance our production and process capabilities.
In 2020 we planned investments of around €4M. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 restrictions most of this was delayed to 2021.
However, we still managed to complete investments of almost €1M in 2020.
What was New in 2020
Our €5M investment in new equipment and software from 2019 was brought online and into full production in early 2020. Increasing our capacity and our capabilities.
We also continued the development of our Free to Use online Visualizer software and launching our new and improved user interface in December 2020.
The investment in people is crucial and we run regular training and staff development programs to ensuring we can provide our customers with best possible service.
We have enhanced our marketing communications on Tuesdays and added what has come to be known as TECHNOLOGY THURSDAY on social media platforms (see the links below).
We also are in a continuous state of updating our website, which has grown to become a PCB manufacturing lexicon of which we hope you make good use.
Who are Eurocircuits?
Eurocircuits is a leading European Manufacturer and Assembler of Prototype and Small series PCBs in our in-house facilities in Hungary and Germany.
We offer quick turnaround cost effective PCB manufacturing and assembly services with excellent on-time delivery performance.
All services are materialised in line with the European high sustainability standards.
Our Fast & Easy online ordering and virtual manufacturing before you order helps you to be On Time and On Budget for your projects.
Our goal remains the same, to help our customers achieve ‘Right First Time for Manufacture’ whether it is a prototype or a small series.
We look forward to continuing our partnership and hope that 2021 is a great year for a you all.
The Eurocircuits Team
See also Looking Forward to 2021