What is the legend of a PCB?

The legend of a PCB is text printed on top of the soldermask. Silkscreen or component identification are terms used for these text layers.

We refer to them as the Legend layers of a PCB.

They are available in various colours which must be defined by our customer in the order details and supplied in the PCB data.

Line art and text may be printed onto the outer surfaces of a PCB usually by Liquid Photo Image able ink but we use digital printing solutions instead.

In some cases direct screen printing of the image is still used.

Look here to see the our machines at work to apply the legend.


What are our specifications?

  • Legend must be readable and legible.
  • Marking ink should not reduce the minimum annular ring.
  • On SMT-pads with a pitch of 1,25 mm encroachment it is permitted on one side of the land only and if it does not
    exceed 50 microns (2 mil).
  • On SMT-pads with a pitch < 1,25 mm encroachment it is permitted on one side of the land only and if it does not
    exceed 25 micron (1 mil).
  • Line width: min 0,10 mm (4mil).
  • Clipped against Soldermask.
  • PCB-borders are deleted in the legend

See our PCB Design Guidelines – Legend Print.

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