Soldering with vs. without external sensors

Soldering with PCB sensor

It is possible to choose this method in two cases: If we would like to control the PCB’s temperature during the process, or would like to create a reference process for soldering without sensor.


After choosing soldering with PCB sensor option (PCB sensor is connected), the above option will be displayed.

Selecting YES, the process will start at 30°C (TOP sensor temperature)


  1. Parameters of selected program
  1. Stop button
    Stops the running process without opening the door.
  1. Temperature preferences
    Current temperature set for TOP and BOT heating
  1. Actual temperature values
    This shows the actual TOP, BOT temperatures, and the elapsed time for the running process
  1. Graph
    Displays the real time values of the measured temperatures
    PCB sensor : yellow
    TOP sensor : red
    BOT sensor : blue
  1. Possible statuses of running process
    1. DATA ERROR!:
      Process failed to start because of incorrect data.
    2. DOOR ERROR!:
      If the door shoud be open, and not open, I give error message.
    3. OVERHEAT!:
      If the TOP sensor spends more than 5minutes above 200°C, the process stop.
      If the temperature difference is more than 70°C between the TOP and PCB sensor, the process stop.
    5. Preprocess Running:
      1. In case of soldering with PCB sensor and reference process the starting temperature is 30°C measured at TOP and BOT sensors.
      2. In case of soldering with PCB sensor but not reference process, the process can be started if the TOP and BOT temperature is lower than 80°C.
      3. In case of soldering without PCB sensor, the starting temperature of TOP sensor should be lower than 80°C.
    6. Process Running: In case of running process
    7. Reflow: Reaching the highest temperature zone / Reflow /
    8. Cooldown: Using the device without extraction head, after the Reflow zone, the door of the furnace will open, when the temperature of PCB sensor is lower than the temperature value set for door opening. In this case Cooldown status can be seen until the door can be opened.
  1. Zone Status
    1. Idle State: No running process
    2. Heat ZONE1 : Heating up to the Preheat1 zone  temperature
    3. Hold ZONE1 : Holding the Preheat1 zone temperature
    4. Heat ZONE2 : Heating up to the Preheat2 zone  temperature
    5. Hold ZONE2 : Holding the Preheat2 zone temperature
    6. Heat ZONE3 : Heating up to the Preheat3 zone  temperature
    7. Hold ZONE3 : Holding the Preheat3 zone temperature
    8. Heat REFLOW : Heating up to the Reflow time zone  temperature
    9. Hold REFLOW : Holding the Reflow time zone temperature

In the case of soldering without a PCB sensor, there will only be the “HEAT” and “HOLD” statuses indicated.

Click on the ‘curves’ or the ‘process data’ the graphs will be zoomed, as picture below.



At the end of the process the device questions, whether to save the running process for a reference process.

  • If the process was correct, select YES.
  • If the process was incorrect / e.g.non-connencted PCB sensor / or incorrect soldering curve, select NO.

NOTE: It is not advisable to open the furnace door or to touch the PCB until the temperature of TOP and BOT sensors are below 80°C! It will be hot and can cause serious burns!


Soldering without PCB sensor

Select this method, if a reference process has been saved in the PCB sensor program. Without a reference program, the furnace cannot execute a PCB soldering process.

Examples of cases where no reference programs for a specified profile or PCB are available

  1. There has not been a reference process made for the profile
  2. There were modifications made on the profile in the menu
  3. Upload the modifications, made by eC-reflow-pilot software
  4. Reset EEPROM


The results of the two soldering options are the same.

These options are available to enable the user to solder multiple batches of the same PCB, the PCB sensor is not required to be connected, which is more convenient and can save time.


At the end of the soldering program, the door will open and be stopped by the door latch.

NOTE: Whilst the display shows as pictured above, it is forbidden to open the door or touch the PCB, because it will be hot and can cause serious burns! This caution is valid at all times, not just before soldering, but after restart as well, if the PCB or the TOP sensor temperature is warmer than 80°C.

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