General Data Protection Regulation – movie text – Dirk Stans

GDPR and Eurocircuits’ News & information

Hi there, I’m Dirk Stans, managing partner of Eurocircuits, with responsibility for our marketing policy.

I would like to give you an insight, on how we structure our news and information, and how we would like to share this with you.

I hope you can stay with me for 5 minutes.

Our goal is to share our knowledge and that of interesting people and companies with our Eurocircuits customer community.
The more we all know about our world of electronic manufacturing, the better equipped we are to do our job, and be more efficient than our competitors.

Our customers, like us, are engineers and therefore like to think and talk in a structured way.
The News & Information of importance, in our electronic manufacturing world is vast, therefore, we have categorised it.
In combination with keeping all our News & Information, text and video online, it offers you the perfect platform for taking on board what you want and when you want it.
Real On Demand News & Information.

Of course, we would like to keep you updated whenever we have something new and interesting to offer.
This we do via direct mailings and social media channels.
We hope you will opt in for all of the news & information we have to offer via our direct mailings. You may also be selective, and only opt in for the categories of interest.

Let me elaborate on the various news and information categories we defined.
These form the structure of how we share our knowledge with you, on and Eurocircuits TV and thus via our direct mailings.

The categories of News and Information we defined are:

  • Eurocircuits company update
  • Events & Workshops
  • Tips & Tricks
  • Electronic Manufacturing Technology
  • Online Smart Tools – Services & Products
  • Customer Applications & Student Projects
  • eCvelo

I now want to go into detail of each of these categories.

Don’t worry. This won’t take long and I promise to stay within the 5 minutes time frame.

The first category I would like to explain is the Eurocircuits Company Updates

This section contains updates and information about the Eurocircuits Group.

As a valued customer or supporter, you will receive updates and news covering our company activities, team news and business developments etc.

In this category we dare to look back at last year, and even include our company’s figures. We believe that it is important for customers to know, that they are doing business with a healthy supplier.

Looking ahead in to the coming year, is even more daring, but one needs to set goals and look into the future. Investing and going forward is what you would expect from us.

What’s Happening? Where do we stand in the market, and what are our plans on Infrastructure Changes or Expansions, and other stories in line with this content.

A second category is about Events & Workshops

Eurocircuits is an active participant of events and exhibitions. We also organise events, seminars and workshops, especially on technical topics. This way we can meet our customers in person and share information first hand.

It is important to draw your attention to these events, as they may be interesting to you or a colleague. This way you are informed in advance and thus plan the trip in your calendar.

We also write reports on these events and workshops, informing you of their highlights and keeping you updated on what’s happening, around us, in our European world of electronic manufacturing.

Tips & Tricks is a must to follow category for the electronic designer.

The electronic value chain starts with a design, and then converting it to a digital form.

The tips and tricks section covers all design related issues and their influence on manufacturing.
It includes, Design Rules, DFM (Design for Manufacture), the Optimum PCB Design Flow, How to define milling, slots, copper on the board edge, PCB and PCBA data for manufacturing and much much more.

Keeping updated with this information, not only saves time for the electronic designer, but also makes you aware of any tool or trick available, to make your design manufacture-able.

The next category is Electronic Manufacturing Technology

Eurocircuits goal is to inform all Electronic Designers about Electronic Manufacturing Techniques and processes.
Whilst, this may start with PCB manufacturing it also covers the Assembly, Testing and Housing etc…

We want to exchange information with you, not only on our capabilities, but also what’s happening in the market, especially in our customer’s markets.

We have been calling this issue “Insight Technology” and it covers topics such as: Manufacturing techniques, Materials used in production, Manufacturing standards and certifications, and so on.

Online smart tools – Services & Products is a category outlining what Eurocircuits has to offer you

All Eurocircuits customers have access to an online customer account, and through this, access to our free Smart Tools including our PCB and PCBA services and products.

Here we cover User Guidelines, updates, new features and tools etc. Helping you to optimise your knowledge & use of our Smart Tools and of the electronic manufacturing services and products we offer.

The topics we have covered so far for example are: the PCBA Visualizer – use of the BOM editor, Pooling or non-pooling, SEMI-FLEX pool launched, the Solder paste editor – what and how?, release of a new eC-reflow-mate, our reflow oven for prototype soldering and much more.

Customer applications & Student projects is a category containing interesting and enthusiastic stories.

Eurocircuits actively encourages its customers to share their experiences with other customers.

In addition to this, we support many student projects and inspire them to write about their adventures and the technology they have designed.

We have already published various Customer white papers and many Student Stories, where they explain with great enthusiasm about the technology they have used or developed and what their project was about.

Something completely different now: eCvelo

This started as a hobby by some of our employees, and still is a side project of our company and team. This project carries lots of enthusiasm by our team members.

Next to being an Electronics Manufacturing Company, Eurocircuits also has a heart for clean mobility.
As a result we have developed and are building trike and quad cycles, with a covered frame and motor assist.

Here we will update you on our products, the Challenger, Open Top, Carbon and the new Quad. And of course about our adventures at the SPEZI exhibition and other small events we attend with our eCvelos.

Opting in is all we can ask.

Luc already explained that we take the new GDPR rules seriously.

He also explained how we manage them.

For my part, I hope I have made it clear which information we want to share and how we want to do this.

By selecting on “all our categories”, you will be updated on all the news and information we have and came across in our joint world of electronic manufacturing.

We have been doing this for already many years, but we have now structured our information in a better way for our common benefit.

We hope to keep your trust in Eurocircuits and that you will allow us to keep you updated.

I thank you and hope to see you again on Eurocircuits TV.

Dirk Stans & Luc Smets, Managing partners, Eurocircuits Group

Luc and Dirk